Malahide Chamber of Commerce
c/o The Grand Hotel, Malahide, Co DublinEircode Not Provided
Opening Hours
Malahide Chamber of Commerce
Supporting local business in Malahide
The Malahide Chamber of Commerce is the leading business organisation for the promotion and encouragement of economic and commercial development in Malahide. The Chamber is run by an elected committee, selected by its members, and represents the interests of the member businesses. The voluntary work of the Committee members and your subscription is the life blood of the Chamber.
The Malahide Chambers policies are formed by the views of its members. The Chamber committee consists of a group of elected members who meet every month. As the elected representative body of the Chamber, the Council is responsible to the membership for the overall performance of the Chamber organisation. The committee develops policy, reports to members at least annually, and delegates to its committee chairmen, authority to act on its behalf.
Our Mission
The Chamber aims to:
- be the voice of it's members businesses in Malahide.
- Representing interests across all of our members business sectors.
- promotion of the overall economic situation of the Community
The Chamber performs a vital role for businesses and we invite you to become involved in any way that you might think would be helpful in supporting and promoting business interests and trade in Malahide.
Among the main activities of the Chamber are:
- To be a strong voice for Malahide business and influence the local business environment.
- Lobbying and representation.
- Membership of Malahide/Fingal County Council Liaison Committee.
- Maintenance of members website
- Develop events for members on education, information and networking.
- Monthly E-Zine Newsletter.
- Organisation of Malahide Festival and other public events.
- Co-ordination of Christmas Lights.
- Business advice and information Business Directories and guides